Thursday, February 17, 2011

Patch v1.0.0.111

This was quite a large patch! Riot fixed quite a few bugs in both items and with champions so well done Riot. The main things in this latest patch is the new champion Maokai, the Twisted Treant, and the new item Morello's Evil Tome. Other things they did on this patch was do alot of rescaling of Ryze and they balanced and changed up; Olaf, Akali, Amumu, Anivia, Fiddlesticks, Karma, Kogmaw, Leblanc, Nasus, Pantheon, Rammus, Renekton, Sivir, Tryndamere, Vladimir, and Zilean. Since this is the first time I'm giving patch info I'll also tell you how most patch info will be generally general patch info. I will though be going into detail on how the patch affects the champions that I have guides for. This is also a heads up to all you players out there that I am starting my in depth champion guides that will not only explain skill build, and item build but there will also be in depth strategy on how to lane with the character and how to build based on your own personal play style, as well as a lot of other information like recommended runes and masteries! I am looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield and i am looking forward to your comments, remember if you would like a guide on a certain character or have any question you can either leave a comment or email me at and I'll get back to you ASAP.